Shamoon Abbasi Gets His Hair Back With Dr Mazhar Hussain

Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker
After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.


Book Your Consultation !

    Chaudhary Tariq Farooq – Senior Minister From AJK

    Book Your Consultation !

      FUSION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE & ART  by Dr Mazhar Hussain

      Book Your Consultation !

        Mikael Melbye – A Renowned Danish Artist, Actor and Portrait Painter

        Book Your Consultation !

          Ahmed Kamal – A Corporate Telecom Professional

          Any questions? 

          You are welcome to write to us today. We can work together to find the best possible solution to your hair loss.

          For further information or queries contact us on:

            Mikael Melbye fik håret tilbage med Dr Mazhar Hussain

            Mikael Melbye, en af de mest efterspurgte danske portrætmalere,

            fik håret tilbage med Dr. Hussain på My Hair Clinic i Islamabad.

            Dr Hussain er uddannet læge fra Københavns Universitet og taler naturligvis flydende dansk.

            Book Your Consultation Now!

              Why Us?

              Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker

              After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, Shamoon Abbasi decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.

              Book Your Consultation Now!

                Chaudhary Tariq Farooq – Senior Minister From AJK

                Book Your Consultation Now!

                  Gordon Ahlwadt, Tyskland

                  Dr Ghuffran, Norway

                  Any questions? 

                  You are welcome to write to us today. We can work together to find the best possible solution to your hair loss.

                  For further information or queries contact us on:


                    Sam Fra Akilles Fikk Tilbake Håret Med Dr Mazhar Hussain

                    Etter en mislykket operasjon i Tyrkia, tok Sam Akilles fra Akilles Frisorsalong operasjon  med Dr Mazhar Hussain i Oslo. Han er veldig glad for resultatet.

                    Dr Hussain er dansk lege og har jobbet i Norge i mer enn 20 år – Da slipper du språkproblemer, uansett om du tar operasjon i Oslo eller Islamabad.

                    Book Your Consultation Now!

                      Why Us?

                      Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker

                      After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.

                      Book Your Consultation Now!

                        Mikael Melbye – A Renowned Danish Artist, Actor and Portrait Painter

                        Chaudhary Tariq Farooq – Senior Minister From AJK

                        Book Your Consultation Now!

                          Gordon Ahlwadt, Tyskland

                          Dr Ghuffran, Norway

                          Any questions? 

                          You are welcome to write to us today. We can work together to find the best possible solution to your hair loss.

                          For further information or queries contact us on:


                            Shamoon Abbasi Gets His Hair Back With Dr Mazhar Hussain

                            Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker

                            After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.

                            Book Your Consultation Now!

                              Farah Saadia, the famous talkshow host, shares her experience with Dr Mazhar Hussain’s clinic in Islamabad

                              She was very happy to see the high European standards maintained by Dr Mazhar Hussain in Islamabad.

                              Mikael Melbye – A Renowned Danish Artist, Actor and Portrait Painter

                              Chaudhary Tariq Farooq – Senior Minister From AJK

                              Book Your Consultation Now!

                                Any questions? 

                                You are welcome to write to us today. We can work together to find the best possible solution to your hair loss.

                                For further information or queries contact us on:

                                  Shamoon Abbasi Gets His Hair Back With Dr Mazhar Hussain

                                  Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker

                                  After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.

                                  After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.


                                  Book Your Consultation Now!

                                    Farah Saadia, the famous talkshow host, shares her experience with Dr Mazhar Hussain’s clinic in Islamabad

                                    She was very happy to see the high European standards maintained by Dr Mazhar Hussain in Islamabad.

                                    Chaudhary Tariq Farooq – Senior Minister From AJK

                                    FUSION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE & ART  by Dr Mazhar Hussain

                                    Mikael Melbye – A Renowned Danish Artist, Actor and Portrait Painter

                                    Book Your Consultation Now!

                                      Ahmed Kamal – A Corporate Telecom Professional

                                      Any questions? 

                                      You are welcome to write to us today. We can work together to find the best possible solution to your hair loss.

                                      For further information or queries contact us on:

                                        The Confidence You Deserve

                                        World Class Hair Transplantation with Dr Mazhar Hussain

                                        Hair transplantation is not just about getting more hair. Hair transplantation is about who you are and how you feel.

                                        In the hands of an artistic hair transplantation surgeon like Dr Mazhar Hussain, you can regain the confidence you deserve.

                                        Hair loss can make you look older and less attractive. Studies show, that people with hair loss are less likely to be successful in job-interviews as compared to candidates with better hair.

                                        Mikael Melbye, Denmark:

                                        Generally, bald men or men suffering from hair loss are considered less handsome by women.

                                        Getting back your hair affects you far beyond the restoration of your hair. It greatly impacts on how you feel and how you are perceived by the people around you.

                                        However, just like there is a great difference between mobiles, there is also a great difference between hair clinics and hair transplant surgeons. When choosing a hair transplant surgeon, you must look into the safety aspects of the surgery and the artistic skills of the surgeon.

                                        Opt Dr Mazhar Hussain for a World Class Hair Transplant

                                        Dr Mazhar Hussain is among the most experienced FUE hair transplant surgeons. He has clinics in Denmark, UK, Pakistan and Norway. Strict European standards and safety protocols are maintained at all locations.

                                        His unique experience, artistic skills, natural results and compassion make him stand out in the field. Rest assured, that you will get a world class hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain.

                                        Senior Minister Tariq Farooq :

                                        Jonathan Long, London:


                                        Gordon Ahlwadt, Tyskland:

                                        Dr Ghuffran, Norway:

                                        Any questions? 

                                        You are more than welcome to write to us today and rest assured, we shall work together to find the solution to your problem.

                                        For further information or queries contact us on:




                                          Hair Loss And Iron Deficiency In Women

                                          If you are a woman and suffering from hair loss, you need to check your iron and ferritin levels. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world and is frequently seen in women.

                                          Book Your Consultation Now!

                                            Unfortunately, iron deficiency can also cause hair loss or worsen your existing hair loss.

                                            The good news is, that you can do something about it. In this video you can learn more about hair loss in women caused by iron deficiency.

                                            However, iron deficiency is just one among many medical causes of hair loss.

                                            If you are suffering from hair loss it’s important that you see a physician with a special interest in medical causes of hair loss and who is able to guide you in the diagnosis and treatment of your condition.

                                            Book Your Consultation Now!

                                              Farah Saadia, the famous talkshow host, shares her experience with Dr Mazhar Hussain’s clinic in Islamabad.

                                              She was very happy to see the high European standards maintained by Dr Mazhar Hussain in Islamabad. 

                                              Book Your Consultation Now!

                                                Dr Mazhar Hussain offers high quality services in medical

                                                • Surgical Hair Restoration
                                                • Weight loss
                                                • Diabetes reversal 
                                                • Skin Treatments

                                                With clinics in UK, Norway, Denmark and Pakistan, you may be closer to Dr Hussain than you think.

                                                If you don’t live close to a hair specialist, then you may also opt for an online consultation with Dr Mazhar Hussain.

                                                Email at or call +923175555930 to set up a live or online consultation.

                                                Farah Saadia Sharing Her Experience with Dr Mazhar Hussain

                                                Farah Saadia, the famous talkshow host, shares her experience with Dr Mazhar Hussain’s clinic in Islamabad.

                                                She was very happy to see the high European standards maintained by Dr Mazhar Hussain.

                                                Book Your Consultation Now!

                                                  Dr Mazhar Hussain offers high quality services in medical

                                                  • Surgical Hair Restoration
                                                  • Weight loss
                                                  • Diabetes reversal 
                                                  • Skin Treatments

                                                  With clinics in UK, Norway, Denmark and Pakistan, you may be closer to Dr Hussain than you think.

                                                  Avail our special Covid-19 offer. Special discount for doctors, nurses, army and police officers.

                                                  Recover during the lock down!

                                                  Check the videos below to see what our patients have to say about their experience with Dr Mazhar Hussain.

                                                  Book Your Consultation Now!

                                                    Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker

                                                    After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.

                                                    Book Your Consultation Now!

                                                      Mikael Melbye, Denmark:

                                                      Book Your Consultation Now!

                                                        Senior Minister Tariq Farooq (English):

                                                        FEATURED ON


                                                        Still have any questions? 

                                                        You are welcome to write to us today and rest assured, we shall work together to find the solution to your problem.

                                                        For further information or queries contact us on:


                                                        Weight loss

                                                        Dr Mazhar Hussain’s approach to weight loss is different from many doctors and clinics. The focus is on diagnosis and education of the patient.

                                                        There are multiple causes of weight gain. The causes of weight gain may therefore, surprise many people:

                                                        1. Aggressive and misleading marketing

                                                        Hidden Sugar In Your Food?:

                                                          • Highly processed food, that is very harmful to the human body, is marketed as being healthy using words such as :
                                                            • Whole grain and multi grain
                                                            • Natural
                                                            • No added sugar
                                                            • Various ingredients are used to cover up the sugar-content, such as maltose, fruit nectar and more.
                                                            • Targeting children and teenagers in marketing, making it enjoyable and harmless to have junk food
                                                        1. Highly processed/engineered foods

                                                        Nutrition Label Explained:

                                                          • Food that is designed to give instant satisfaction
                                                          • Often high glycemic index that will trigger cravings
                                                          • High in fructose with less appetite suppression
                                                          • High in other sugars for instant satisfaction
                                                        1. Sugar is addictive and we crave it more

                                                        Where Is The Sugar?:

                                                          • Both drugs and sugars stimulate the opiate receptors in the reward centre  of the brain, increasing dopamine along with it.
                                                          • Opiate receptor stimulation and dopamine release both lead to feeling “high”.
                                                          • A “high” that you want to re-experience leading to you to seek out sugar.
                                                          • The body’s response to increased uptake of sugar reduces, and less dopamine is released.
                                                          • More sugar is required to experience the same “high”.
                                                          • A vicious addictive cycle is formed.
                                                        1. Insulin is a major factor

                                                        Insulin is a major factor:

                                                        With weight gaining, a vicious cycle of high intake of carbohydrates leads to increased insulin, which in turn leads to insulin resistance and higher levels of insulin. Keep in mind that insulin is a;

                                                          • Fat sparing hormone
                                                          • Fat storage hormone
                                                        1. Leptin resistance

                                                          • Produced by fat cells.
                                                          • In healthy people, leptin suppresses appetite.
                                                          • In leptin resistance the appetite suppression is not as effective, possibly because it does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
                                                        1. Lack of information, incorrect information and biased information

                                                          • Deliberately biased research and information
                                                            • Major food producers sponsor research on food and nutrition. It may be reasonable to assume that the researchers could be biased or set up the protocol seeking out specific outcomes.
                                                            • Researchers are invited to conferences and congresses sponsored by the food industry.
                                                            • Editors of major publications are sponsored by the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.

                                                        However, this is not a comprehensive list of all the causes behind weight gain and obesity. But it does provide an insight to the complexities of fighting weight gain.

                                                        Dr Mazhar Hussain has introduced a Doctor Led Weight Loss (DLWL) program consisting of the following:

                                                        • A 30 minutes consultation where a weight loss program is introduced and blood tests are taken. Please make sure to bring any previous work-up.
                                                        • A 3 hours Educational Session with Dr Mazhar Hussain to explain the dynamics of weight gain and weight loss.
                                                        • If financially possible for the patient, he/she will be equipped with a Continuous Glucose Monitoring device for 2-4 weeks to learn how the body works and how to lose weight with instant feedback.
                                                        • A personal treatment plan for weight loss, specifically tailored to each patient.
                                                        • Monitoring the progress.

                                                        We need to know if the weight is due to any underlying medical condition or if the weight gain is causing any medical issues. If you understand the intrinsic factors causing weight gain, you will have a much better chance of losing weight than if you are blindly following a meal plan.

                                                        Weight Loss In Ramadan:

                                                        Patients story:

                                                        A young woman in her 30’s came to see Dr Mazhar Hussain for hair loss. During the initial conversation it appeared that she was suffering from severe fatigue, depression, and weight gain. Sleeping only 2-3 hours a night and being incapable of continuing her studies due to these symptoms. She had been to too many doctors and other health care professionals, but no-one bothered to actually do an investigation. Dr Mazhar Hussain changed the focus from hair loss to her general well-being and health – which can have a serious impact on hair growth as well.

                                                        Dr Mazhar Hussain ordered a range of tests showing:

                                                        Severe vitamin D deficiency, diabetes, severe folic acid deficiency, increased inflammation, anaemia and deranged lipid-values. A seriously diseased body that is taking a great toll on the patients’ health and well-being, including the hair.

                                                        A treatment plan was set up and within 2 months the patient slowly started losing weight, going hiking and getting much better in general. As her health improves, her hair may very well improve. If needed, then hair specific treatment may be initiated.

                                                        You may want to check Dr Mazhar Hussain’s videos.

                                                        Now, you can call 03175555930 to set up a consultation, or write us an email.

                                                        Stuck at home? The right time for your transplant!

                                                        My Hair Clinic is celebrating 15 years of excellence in FUE hair transplantation.

                                                        We offer FUE hair transplant in London, Islamabad, Oslo and Copenhagen. In 2021, you can get surgical and medical hair restoration at a really good price.

                                                        Shamoon Abbasi – A Renowned Pakistani Actor / Director and A Political Worker

                                                        After a previously failed hair transplant at another clinic, he decided to have a hair transplant with Dr Mazhar Hussain at My Hair Clinic in Islamabad.

                                                        Recover during the lock down!

                                                        Check the videos below to see what our patients have to say about their experience with My Hair Clinic.

                                                        They were all satisfied.

                                                        Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?

                                                        Will 2020 be the year where you’ll take off your cap and show off your hair?

                                                        Write to us now, if you want new hair in the New Year.

                                                        Mikael Melbye, Denmark:

                                                        Senior Minister Tariq Farooq (English):

                                                        Jonathan Long, London:


                                                        Gordon Ahlwadt, Tyskland:

                                                        ]Dr Ghuffran, Norway: [su_youtube url=”” width=”420″ height=”320″

                                                        FEATURED ON


                                                        Still have any questions? 

                                                        You are more than welcome to write to us today and rest assured, we shall work together to find the solution to your problem.

                                                        For further information or queries contact us on: